Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre
Whitehead Building
360 Panorama

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About Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre
This is one of several big-tiered lecture theatres we have on campus (this one seats nearly 300 people). Lectures are usually led by an academic who will present information on a particular topic or viewpoint. They are usually then followed by a seminar, where smaller groups of students can discuss and debate what was covered in the lecture. This combination of teaching methods will develop your skills in listening, processing information, critical analysis, communicating with others, and formulating your own ideas – all extremely valuable for your personal development, and for working life.
The Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre is based in the Whitehead Building, which overlooks the picturesque College Green. Apart from lectures, it is used for events in the evenings, often free and open to the public, such as the readings from the authors shortlisted for the Goldsmiths Prize each year, who have included Will Self, Rachel Cusk, Ali Smith and Mark Haddon.

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